Lets talk tape-in extensions

Let’s first talk about tape in extensions and if these are the best type for you and your hair. Tape in extensions are generally used to fill in areas of the hair, add pops of color or length and fullness. These type of extensions are best for people with fine/thin hair as they don’t put as much stress on your natural hair as other hair extensions . Typically clients who wear tape in extensions do not wear their hair up. Tape ins typically take 30 mins to and hour to install depending on what you are trying to achieve. After having tape in’s installed you don’t want to wash your hair for 48 hours so that the tape can completely adhere to your natural hair. You also want to use a sulfate free shampoo and conditioner. When brushing you typically want to start at the bottom and work your way up while being gentle brushing so that you don’t accidentally pull them out damaging your natural hair. If tape ins aren’t your cup of tea, stay tuned while I talk about other types of extensions in future blogs.


Secret to perfect curls


A Turkish girl from Russia